1Mon Tweet プライベートパーティー Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 3Wed Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~1日目~ Cast Artists シックハック /タール9/ロタ/konare.(浜松)/Atomicskipper(浜松)/にわかあめ(浜松) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 4Thu Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~2日目~ Cast Artists 愛沢絢夏(仙台)/ Theネッシーズ/ JUNKDOLL /CRAIL/NEO-FREAKS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 5Fri Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~3日目~ Cast Artists Unthkrypt /雲の上~KUMONOUE~/Last lot/Rosy Back/irisphere(浜松)/EYEboil Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 6Sat Tweet 『Different culture』 Cast Artists Schwartz:Mist/ MARIA'N†ROSA/ @LGOS. /IUr/無害セッションクソメロディ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
3Wed Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~1日目~ Cast Artists シックハック /タール9/ロタ/konare.(浜松)/Atomicskipper(浜松)/にわかあめ(浜松) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 4Thu Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~2日目~ Cast Artists 愛沢絢夏(仙台)/ Theネッシーズ/ JUNKDOLL /CRAIL/NEO-FREAKS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 5Fri Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~3日目~ Cast Artists Unthkrypt /雲の上~KUMONOUE~/Last lot/Rosy Back/irisphere(浜松)/EYEboil Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 6Sat Tweet 『Different culture』 Cast Artists Schwartz:Mist/ MARIA'N†ROSA/ @LGOS. /IUr/無害セッションクソメロディ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
4Thu Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~2日目~ Cast Artists 愛沢絢夏(仙台)/ Theネッシーズ/ JUNKDOLL /CRAIL/NEO-FREAKS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 5Fri Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~3日目~ Cast Artists Unthkrypt /雲の上~KUMONOUE~/Last lot/Rosy Back/irisphere(浜松)/EYEboil Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 6Sat Tweet 『Different culture』 Cast Artists Schwartz:Mist/ MARIA'N†ROSA/ @LGOS. /IUr/無害セッションクソメロディ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
5Fri Tweet club KNOT presents Golden Week SP!!~3日目~ Cast Artists Unthkrypt /雲の上~KUMONOUE~/Last lot/Rosy Back/irisphere(浜松)/EYEboil Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 6Sat Tweet 『Different culture』 Cast Artists Schwartz:Mist/ MARIA'N†ROSA/ @LGOS. /IUr/無害セッションクソメロディ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
6Sat Tweet 『Different culture』 Cast Artists Schwartz:Mist/ MARIA'N†ROSA/ @LGOS. /IUr/無害セッションクソメロディ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
7Sun Tweet club KNOT&FluoLightArch Presents「CROSS ROAD」 Cast Artists SiXX(東京)/ 三角形の時間(東京)/ the Riskyos(東京)/ ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) /絶叫する60度/Leopard Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
8Mon Tweet stick out SP!! Cast Artists Pulse Factory(大阪)/ BARICANG(横浜)/ ISAAC/ LASTGASP /鏡トナリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
12Fri Tweet イギリス人 X ゲンドウミサイル『げんじんツアー』 Cast Artists ゲンドウミサイル/ イギリス人 /THE NOiSE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
13Sat Tweet THE STREET BEATS TOUR 2017 “ONE AND ONLY” Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
14Sun Tweet ラックライフ メジャー1st full album “Life is beautiful”リリース「生きてるだけで丸儲け」 Cast Artists ラックライフ(大阪)/ LOCAL CONNECT(京都)/ オレスカバンド /ポタリ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
16Tue Tweet SECOND CITY TOUR 2017 Cast Artists 豊橋club KNOT:DIAL CLOCK NOTE 小倉FUSE:Pinpoint Motion 豊中LiP2nd:キャストライト 柏DOMe:Howemote 堅田BIRTHDAY:SAVEwizOUT [O.A]青春日和(豊橋club KNOT) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
18Thu Tweet Get UP Rookie vol.63 Cast Artists 杏子/Yuckaly/シンタロー(電気アンマーズ) [Guest]青春日和 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
19Fri Tweet Permanent Fish Spring TOUR2017~葉を揺らす緑のように~ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
20Sat Tweet AMAZING SUNSHINE「あなたの光になりますtour Final豊橋」 Cast Artists リムキャット(東京)/ THE NOiSE /CrowsAlive/EIN STEIN(O.A)Pain for Strength Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
21Sun Tweet stick out vol.403 THC ROCK SP!! Cast Artists DR.SNUFKIN/One Step Up/LOOSELY/THE STRIKE HOME/clockblocker[DJ]HiRO/@keela/iMA2 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
22Mon Tweet TOYOはしごナイト!! Cast Artists ISAAC/鏡トナリ/sozoro座mode/Nah/LOOSELY ※)通常のライブイベントではないので、普段のバンド編成とは若干異なります。 KNOTのみ入場ご希望の方は、 2,000円(1D+1Food) となります。 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
23Tue Tweet うおっちNight-KICK THE CLOCK 2nd single“サクラセツナ”release tour- Cast Artists WAFY(横浜) /KICK THE CLOCK(立川)/BELL(浜松)/NOSE GRIND/PINGLATE!! Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
24Wed Tweet 「ジャイアンナイト ISAACとDJダイノジ」 Cast Artists Closing DJ:DJダイノジ(大谷ノブ彦) LIVE:ISAAC/鏡トナリ [O.A]ケミカル⇄リアクション(新潟) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
25Thu Tweet stick out vol.404~Acoustic SP!!~ Cast Artists 大山聖福(Hi-CUBE JUNCTION)(横浜)/ 弦楽座mode /三田楓子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
26Fri Tweet stick out vol.405 MUSTANG x STUD SPRIT EP “MURDER”RELEASE TOUR Cast Artists STUD(横浜)/ MUSTANG(東京)/ Swimbrights(仙台)/ ORBit(東京) /Change one's mind/[O.A]橋本一平(鏡トナリ) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
27Sat Tweet Jamsick vol.21 Cast Artists ARTOWNBAND/DJ ADAM at/jam da bomb/sozoro座mode/The Hey Song Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
28Sun Tweet 青春日和pre.青春日和pre.『最前線で』レコ発イベント夢じゃいられない tour ~豊橋編~ Cast Artists 青春日和/ moon drop(三重)/ キイロヒト /シックハック/杏子 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month
30Tue Tweet うおっちNight-10th initial stage- Cast Artists AILEVENT(大阪)/ Sunset Turn Around/ OLD over NEW /RIOT-SONGS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event.