6Fri Tweet 金曜アンプラグド vol.140 森下裕也の出演は諸事情によりキャンセルとなりました。代わりに、てん。の出演が決定致しました。 Cast Artists 石田タカオ / てん。 / RYO / フジタカヤ / 大羽右栗 / 飯田華菜 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 7Sat Tweet A HAPPY BOUNCE NEW YEAR 2023!!!! フリコノコの出演は諸事情によりキャンセルとなりました。代わりに、てん。の出演が決定致しました。 Cast Artists moogue / てん。 / 育 / 永田寛巳 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Sun Pick up Tweet Five State Drive pre. “ど謹賀新年2023” 出演予定でした SHE'll SLEEPですがメンバーの体調不良により 出演キャンセルとなりました。予めご了承下さい。 Cast Artists Five State Drive / BUZZ THE BEARS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 9Mon Tweet BOUNCE vol.247 かんぺきパンプキンは諸事情により出演辞退となりました。 ASAKIYUMEMISHIは諸事情により、Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI)の弾き語りとなりました。 予めご了承ください。 Cast Artists Red Light District / Honda Sangeetha / kuzure / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 10Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.248 Dopey Orcaは諸事情により出演キャンセルとなりました。あらかじめご了承ください。 Cast Artists りさボルト&Hys / モズレア / Rock de nasiy / Nagui Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
7Sat Tweet A HAPPY BOUNCE NEW YEAR 2023!!!! フリコノコの出演は諸事情によりキャンセルとなりました。代わりに、てん。の出演が決定致しました。 Cast Artists moogue / てん。 / 育 / 永田寛巳 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 8Sun Pick up Tweet Five State Drive pre. “ど謹賀新年2023” 出演予定でした SHE'll SLEEPですがメンバーの体調不良により 出演キャンセルとなりました。予めご了承下さい。 Cast Artists Five State Drive / BUZZ THE BEARS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 9Mon Tweet BOUNCE vol.247 かんぺきパンプキンは諸事情により出演辞退となりました。 ASAKIYUMEMISHIは諸事情により、Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI)の弾き語りとなりました。 予めご了承ください。 Cast Artists Red Light District / Honda Sangeetha / kuzure / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 10Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.248 Dopey Orcaは諸事情により出演キャンセルとなりました。あらかじめご了承ください。 Cast Artists りさボルト&Hys / モズレア / Rock de nasiy / Nagui Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
8Sun Pick up Tweet Five State Drive pre. “ど謹賀新年2023” 出演予定でした SHE'll SLEEPですがメンバーの体調不良により 出演キャンセルとなりました。予めご了承下さい。 Cast Artists Five State Drive / BUZZ THE BEARS Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 9Mon Tweet BOUNCE vol.247 かんぺきパンプキンは諸事情により出演辞退となりました。 ASAKIYUMEMISHIは諸事情により、Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI)の弾き語りとなりました。 予めご了承ください。 Cast Artists Red Light District / Honda Sangeetha / kuzure / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 10Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.248 Dopey Orcaは諸事情により出演キャンセルとなりました。あらかじめご了承ください。 Cast Artists りさボルト&Hys / モズレア / Rock de nasiy / Nagui Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
9Mon Tweet BOUNCE vol.247 かんぺきパンプキンは諸事情により出演辞退となりました。 ASAKIYUMEMISHIは諸事情により、Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI)の弾き語りとなりました。 予めご了承ください。 Cast Artists Red Light District / Honda Sangeetha / kuzure / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 10Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.248 Dopey Orcaは諸事情により出演キャンセルとなりました。あらかじめご了承ください。 Cast Artists りさボルト&Hys / モズレア / Rock de nasiy / Nagui Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
10Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.248 Dopey Orcaは諸事情により出演キャンセルとなりました。あらかじめご了承ください。 Cast Artists りさボルト&Hys / モズレア / Rock de nasiy / Nagui Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
13Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.249 Cast Artists ラノマインド / LaughTONiC(徳島) / 夕方と猫(豊中) / WEDDIN’Girl / the さよならクロワッサンズ / ユータ Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
14Sat Tweet Never Go Backward x Forever Young pre. ” 2003 ” Cast Artists HONEST/MINAMI/funny born/HELL's/Euphoric/旬吾 (knot) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
15Sun Pick up Tweet PUNK AROUND THE WORLD VOL.177 Cast Artists OWl/JACK MINDS/Nonfiction Cartoons Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
17Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.250 Cast Artists 椋子 / aro / 立石歩 / 和製ケビン / 阿部浩二 / 浜小路ヨハン Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
18Wed Tweet SAYAKA’S 31th Birthday Tour!! Cast Artists ケミカル⇄リアクション Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
20Fri Tweet BOUNCE vol.251 Cast Artists THE STRIKE HOME / STAY FOR WELL / Mikitoshi(ASAKIYUMEMISHI) / りくお。(Alstroemeria) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
21Sat Tweet PinkHouseStudio presents New Year Party Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
22Sun Pick up Tweet 「ONE STEP Anniversary」 Cast Artists THE GELUGUGU/エイリアンズ/Smash up/NO♡AF/RONDONRATS/SETTLE ON Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
24Tue Tweet BOUNCE vol.252 Cast Artists ひなつけんた / 森下裕也 / Nagui / 穂乃実 / shibatamitsuru Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
25Wed Tweet 長尾藤 presents KNOT SEVEN 〇回目のリベンジ今回は暴力無しで終えたい Cast Artists MINAMI(KNOT)/ラノマインド(KNOT)/TERATUNE(KNOT)/ Beat Light(RAD SEVEN)/SquowL's(RAD SEVEN) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
27Fri Tweet club KNOT GAME BAR White Valentine Day SP!! ■飲み放題■ アルコール 2,500円 ソフトドリンク 1,800円 ※小学生以下、入場無料 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
28Sat Tweet BOUNCE vol.254 Cast Artists Imari Tones(神奈川) / THE AFTER ALL'S / フリコノコ / 井村誠 Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month TOP club KNOT TOYOHASHI 〒440-0888愛知県豊橋市駅前大通1丁目7-1 INFO & RESERVATION 0532-57-3655 info@club-knot.com
29Sun Pick up Tweet ナツノコエ×Blue Light Call presents ポップチョコレートパーティー Cast Artists ナツノコエ/TRIPLANE/Blue Light Call/TERATUNE Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. 31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event. Prev Month Next Month
31Tue Tweet 僕だって歌いたい! special THANKS ゆうじさん Cast Artists りえちーながちー(club KNOT音響&照明)/えれちゃんばんど(TEAM Bugs)/太田(00's Club)/みはり(when the party's over)/ひーくん(一般大学生) Thank you for always coming.Looking forward to the next event.